Writing Coaching
Many people casually know writing is important. But few really have considered the depth of its impact on personal development and both financial and emotional success. Historically, literacy separated the educated class from the masses and authorship separated the elite from the educated class. Present day is not much different. Almost anyone at the very top of a field requiring serious thought can express him or herself eloquently through written language. But writing can have a much more significant impact on an individual if not just employed in its professional applications. Writing gives self-knowledge, connects the mind to others (readers). It helps to reach goals by articulating and defining those goals. It teaches how to persuade people to aid you in pursuing those goals. And writing allows you to mindfully express your feelings about the world. Despite the overwhelming value of writing, it lacks a substantial place in today's schools: writing is less than half of the focus of a history or literature class and most students do not even have these as full time courses. Academic Writing and Creative Writing both open up the opportunities of the larger world as well as the most consequential world-- the one within.
Writing Tracks
For students who want to focus more on a non-fiction style of writing
For students who want to focus more on a fictional style of writing