Sample Materials
Test Prep
Why is the manual so special?
Other than its methodical execution of the test taking tactics above, the manual is a long researched, tried and true creation of both those who research tests and design strategies and those who teach those strategies to the students. The very few companies that do their own research and development of strategies do not then go and teach thousands of hours and students nor do the thousands of teachers have any experience in designing test taking techniques. The other companies just copy these manuals and then give them to a teacher who has never even taught for one of the elite companies. Ivy Bridge combines the incisive deconstruction of the test and subsequent creation of strategy with the know how of imparting this privileged, secret expertise to students of all backgrounds.
The manual also makes use of the best ideas already in existence, adapting the best strategies from a myriad of test preparation manuals as common as proven SAT, SSAT and ACT books but as diverse as the EA (Executive Assessment), GMAT, GRE, MCAT and even as far as the DAT/OAT.
Lastly but importantly, the manual engages the students in such a wide variety of ways, including the use of humor. While test preparation manual may not be as enjoyable to the students to read as it was for Ivy Bridge to write, keeping a positive attitude and delivering witty presentation will actually help the students to focus on and remember what they study.
To see any specific material, please choose your interest: SAT: Math Grammar Reading Essay ACT: Grammar Math Reading Science Essay SSAT: Verbal Math Reading Essay {Links to each anchor on these pages}
Writing Coaching
Novice Academic: History’s Mysteries
Advanced Academic: Elite Industry, the Chocolate Class
Novice Creative: Solve The Mystery While Writing Your Own
Advanced Creative: Paint With Words: Character